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Oil painting, Acrylics, Pastel, Drawing, Pen and Ink. How I create a work a drawing or a painting, from beginning to end.

By |February 8th, 2018|Categories: Acrylic, Art Info, Drawing, Oil, Pastel, Pen and Ink, Pencil|

It start with a thought or an image, although these words seems too precise, an ephemeral vision often brought by an emotion that I wish to capture and further address. It lasts but a second [...]

Creative News

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Wordpress News

Drawing is making love

Drawing is an intimate caress filled with love. You are not copying, you are not tracing, you are gently exploring possibilities. Your pencil touch is light, it is an extension of your feelings, may they be of love, passion or anger. You are conveying the intangible. You are on a voyage of discovery. Your feelings and what you wish to [...]

705, 2018

Drawing is making love

May 7th, 2018|0 Comments

Drawing is an intimate caress filled with love. You are not copying, you are not tracing, you are gently exploring possibilities. Your pencil touch is light, it is an extension of your [...]

705, 2018

Drawing is making love

May 7th, 2018|0 Comments

Drawing is an intimate caress filled with love. You are not copying, you are not tracing, you are gently exploring possibilities. Your pencil touch is light, it is an extension of your [...]

Photography News

Drawing is making love

May 7th, 2018|0 Comments

Drawing is an intimate caress filled with love. You are not copying, you are not tracing, you are gently exploring possibilities. Your pencil touch is light, it is an extension of your feelings, may they [...]

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